Prince Alfred's Guard Memorial

Prince Alfred's Guard Memorial is a provincial heritage site in St George's Park in Port Elizabeth in South Africa's Eastern Cape province.

In 1983 it was described in the Government Gazette as

This impressive conservatory with its Victorian characteristics was designed and erected by Boyd and Son of Paisley, Scotland, dismantled into sections and transported to Port Elizabeth where it was re-erected under the supervision of Mr Frazer of Boyds. The building was officially opened by John X. Merriman on 12 September 1882. The conservatory was named after Mr H. W. Pearson, Mayor of Port Elizabeth from 1871 to 1896. The Prince Alfred's Guard Memorial is one of the largest and heaviest architectural products in the Victorian idiom manufactured by the Saracen foundry of Walter MacFarlane of Glasgow in Scotland. The structure is a fitting tribute to the memory of the officers and men who made the supreme sacrifice in the Transkei War (1877), Basuto War (1880-1881), Bechuana War (1897) and the Anglo Boer War (1899-1902).
